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Transparency is a key focus for ComfortDelGro in order to maintain trust from our patrons and stakeholders.

A strong emphasis is placed on ethical business practices and operational integrity – essential components of our corporate identity. We uphold strict compliance with relevant legislation, policies, and codes across our operations in multiple countries.
With a proactive approach, we actively work to combat bribery, corruption, noncompliance, and related risks, understanding the potential adverse impacts on our business and stakeholders.

In light of the growing digitalisation of processes and procedures, ComfortDelGro recognises the increased risks of cyber-attacks.

We prioritise fortifying our defences against cybersecurity threats and strengthening governance in data protection processes and policies. As we collect personal data in the provision of digital and IT services, we are also committed to enhancing our digital and IT solutions to ensure robust data privacy and protection.

ComfortDelGro understands the importance of maintaining a sustainable supply chain for long-term business growth.

Hence, we place importance in the transparency and oversight of our supply chain, as well as establishing resilience to manage our emissions and other environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts. By building strong relationships and setting high ethical expectations with our suppliers, ComfortDelGro aims to uphold the highest quality and standards in our operations.

Our Key Figures

Zero incidents of bribery, anti-corruption behaviour and non-compliance with voluntary codes
Zero supplier incidents of social or environmental non-compliance occurring within ComfortDelGro’s premises or operations
Continuous investments made through ComfortDelGro Ventures, a US$100 million corporate venture capital fund set up in 2019
Continuous investments made through ComfortDelGro Ventures, a US$100 million corporate venture capital fund set up in 2019
Zero substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy
Zero substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy
Zero complaints received from outside parties and regulatory bodies
Zero identified leaks, thefts or losses of customer data

Securities Investors Associations (Singapore) (“SIAS”) Investors’ Choice Awards 2024

ComfortDelGro won three awards – “Singapore Corporate Governance Award” (Diversity), “Shareholder Communications Excellence Award” (Big Cap) and the “Most Transparent Company Award” (Industrials) in 2024.