ComfortDelGro is one of the largest land transport companies in the world with a global workforce, a global shareholder base and a global outlook.
Following the merger, ComfortDelGro has expanded significantly and now operates in 12 countries and has a global fleet of about 40,000 vehicles.

ComfortDelGro has a significant overseas presence
The Group’s overseas operations currently extend from Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China, Ireland and Malaysia to France, Spain, Portugal, Greece and the Netherlands.
Corporate Signature

The “T” and “D” in the name act as a ligature, or shared letter, seamlessly joining the two companies.

The final ‘O’, with its graphic accent, reinforces the company’s core business of transport – moving people in Singapore and around the world.
The typeface is specially created and embodies the unique qualities of the new company. It is a modern sans serif face, and yet, with rounded edges and flairs, shows off the rich heritage of the company.